Sponsor a Stall or Kennel
A.N.N.A. is a unique and important cause for your sponsorship and donation. Your sponsorship allows us to financially maintain a stall and start a recovery process through an animal’s individualized rehab program. There are two types of sponsorship:
The first is Specialized Stall Sponsorship. The specialized stalls, or quarantined stalls, play a vital role in the first step of an animal’s recovery process. “Quarantined” stalls require high maintenance. The quarantined stall is set up differently from a general stall in that it has matted floors and walls to discourage the spread of any infectious diseases or any other contagious illnesses. We take disinfecting measures once the animal has passed the first step by obtaining medical clearance from the vet before we move the animal to a general stall.
Your stall sponsorship also provides the animal with a feed bucket, a water bucket, and supplies. Specialized Stalls vary in sizes from 12 x 12 to 16 x 16.
The second is General Stall Sponsorship. Your sponsorship of a general stall provides support to the maintenance and repair of a stall due to destruction, damage, or daily wear and tear caused by the animal assigned to that stall and all the bedding materials required. Bedding requirements can be different per stall and are based on the animal’s condition and needs. This sponsorship also includes support for larger kidding stalls for does that come into A.N.N.A. with kids at their side. General stall size at the facility is 12 x 12. Kidding stalls are 14 x 14, or 16 x 16 depending on the breed of the goat that has arrived.
For both types of sponsorships, we place an engraved brass plate at the entrance of the stall with the name of the sponsor.
Sponsor an Animal
With your donations, we are able to meet the needs of animals that cannot be placed. These are usually special needs animals who have extenxive health needs or, older animals with a few medical issues but just need a place to live the rest of their life in peace and safety after a life of abuse or neglect. The funds are used to maintain vaccinations, de-worming regiments, ferrier and vet care, as well as feed, grain and hay.
We also post an engraved brass plate on the stall or kennel who the sponsor is for each animal.
Addition Fund
Always a need here! As A.N.N.A. grows so do the needs of the barns and kennels. Our barns currently located on 2 properties. As funds become available we hope to build a larger barn on site for all animals and hay storage at A.N.N.A.'s physical location. As this happens the costs will decrease as travel back and forth will not be needed. . Donated funds or building materials for this project are greatly needed.
